Two cars collide in a car accident

Most people in Lauren County rely on their cars or trucks to get from place to place each day. Driving can help you get to school, work, church, and other important obligations. While driving is a convenient way to travel, more than six million auto accidents were reported to police in a single year in the United States, as reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Those crashes reportedly caused an estimated 2,338,000 injuries and nearly 30,000 tragic deaths. These statistics indicate that car accidents can and do happen on a regular basis and that an accident and injury can happen to you.

If you have been injured in a car accident in or around South Carolina, you should never hesitate to call the Joye Law Firm to discuss your rights. Our highly experienced car accident law team are here to help you receive the compensation you deserve following a crash.

Car Accidents Can Cause Extremely Serious Injuries

Cars and trucks often travel at speeds of 60 or 70 miles per house and weigh thousands of pounds. As a result, motor vehicle accidents can involve tremendous forces that have the potential to cause extremely serious injuries. In addition, even crashes that occur at much lower speeds can leave victims with severe physical trauma. Some of the more common serious injuries that occur in car accidents include the following:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) – TBIs can occur in a car accident if you hit your head on another object or if your head jolts back and forth on your neck hard enough to cause your brain to hit either side of your skull. These injuries cause a disruption in the way the brain normally functions and can often result in significant and even permanent cognitive, physical, or emotional impairments in more severe cases.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries – Spinal cord injuries, often referred to SCIs, involve damage to the spinal cord, which is the bundle of nerves that allows the brain to communicate with the rest of the body. When the spine is injured, it can result in a number of problems below the site of the injury, including muscle weakness, numbness, loss of sensation, and loss of movement. In serious cases, spinal cord injury victims are completely paralyzed below the point where their spine was damaged. Car accidents are a leading cause of spinal cord injury.
  • Burns – Many car accidents involve fires, explosions, or the explosive deployment of airbags. These events can all cause serious burns that leave victims in significant pain and with permanent scarring. Burns can have many complications including infection, sepsis, or hypothermia and burn victims can require extensive treatment.
  • Crushed limbs – Motor vehicles are very heavy and, in the event of a crash, a person can be pinned and have part of their body crushed. The weight of a car can shatter the bones in a limb and, in some cases, the limb may not be repaired. Medical professionals may have amputate the limb, which can completely change a person’s life.
  • Neck and Back Injuries – While often not considered to be catastrophic, injuries to the neck and back can have lasting effects on car accident victims. Whiplash, soft tissue injuries, disc issues, and other injuries can all affect a person’s ability to work, engage in sports or recreation, or even to participate in daily household activities.

The above are only some of the many serious injuries that can result from a car accident. No matter what type of injury you have sustained, please discuss your situation with one of our lawyers to learn your rights as soon as possible.

Helping Car Accident Victims Recover

In many cases, car accidents and injuries occur because another party acted in a negligent manner. Some examples of negligent behaviors that can cause a collision include:

  • Drunk driving;
  • Distracted driving;
  • Running red lights;
  • Speeding;
  • Aggressive driving;
  • Falling asleep behind the wheel;
  • Allowing an unlicensed or inexperienced driver to take your car;
  • Selling defective products such as brakes, axles, and more;
  • Allowing potholes and other dangerous road hazards to exist.

There are many additional ways in which another driver or a company can be negligent and can contribute to the cause of a car accident.

Once you know that someone was negligent, we will help you determine how much compensation you can seek from the negligent party. Car accident victims may be able to recover for many different losses, including the following:

  • Past medical expenses incurred;
  • The estimated cost of future medical treatment if your injury has not healed;
  • Lost wages, overtime, and benefits from missing work during your recovery;
  • Estimated future wages if you need more time off work to recover;
  • Lost earning power if your injury prevents you from ever returning to your job;
  • Physical pain and suffering that you experienced due to your injuries;
  • Emotional distress from the trauma of the car accident, due to your injuries, or both;
  • Permanent disability or disfigurement;
  • Loss of the ability to enjoy life as fully as you did before your injury;
  • Punitive damages if the person who caused the accident acted intentionally or egregiously.

How much you can recover will depend on the details of your specific case.

Call Our Clinton Car Accident Law Firm for a Free Consultation Today

Car accidents are always stressful and the scene of an accident can be chaotic. In addition, many victims continue to experience the effects of a car accident for years due to their injuries–or even for the rest of their lives. At the Joye Law Firm, our car accident lawyers help injured victims in Clinton, SC recover for their losses. We will guide you through the entire legal process and will always fight for the most compensation possible.

We provide individualized representation and consider our clients to be part of our law firm family. You can trust that we will stand up for your rights through every step of your case so that you can focus on your physical recovery. To find out more about how our dedicated team can help you in your case, please call our office at (888) 324-3100 or contact us online as soon as possible.

Joye Law Firm Clinton Office Location

509 N Broad St,
Clinton, SC 29325