South Carolina is ranked 22nd in the nation for malignant mesothelioma with an age-adjusted death rate of 8.4 deaths per million.
Over 8,700 tons of asbestos were shipped to South Carolina in the past century to be used in the state’s shipyards, power plants, steel mills, iron mills, oil refineries and on construction sites in Charleston County, Spartanburg County, Berkeley County, Greenville County, Richland County and elsewhere.
Sadly, South Carolina residents now suffer high rates of mesothelioma, asbestosis and asbestos-based injuries and deaths.
According to a study published by the National Center for Health Statistics, there have been 858 asbestos-related deaths in South Carolina over the past 25 years – 556 of those have been from malignant mesothelioma. Charleston County, South Carolina, alone has reported more than 220 asbestos-related deaths and nearly 100 mesothelioma deaths in that time.
If you or a family member is suffering from mesothelioma, our injury lawyers in Charleston, Clinton or Myrtle Beach are here to help. Call Joye Law Firm at (888) 324-3100 or fill out a free online consultation form.
As the oldest city in South Carolina, Charleston and its surrounding areas were home to many private businesses, government offices, military bases and naval ships that may have used asbestos. These include:
- A Lynn Thomas Co Inc.
- America & Brigade
- American Agri Chemical
- American Tobacco Co.
- Arthur L. Bristol (USS)
- Avco Lycoming
- Bird & Son Inc.
- Builders Marts of America
- Brock (USS)
- Carolina Drywall Insulation
- Chaffee (USS)
- Charleston Air Force Base
- Charleston Bagging Manufacturing Co.
- Charleston Consolidated Railway Gas & Electric Company
- Charleston County Office Building
- Charleston Hydraulic Cotton Press Company
- Charleston Memorial Hospital
- Charleston Refinery
- Charleston Ship-building & Drydock Company
- Charleston Supply Company
- Chevron
- Citadel Military College
- City of Charleston Water Department
- Cofer (USS)
- Daniel Construction
- Duke Siding
- Dupont
- Eichenberger (USS)
- Esso Standard Oil Company
- Exxon
- Grayson
- Hayter (USS)
- Hodges (USS)
- Industrial Fire Bricks
- Ingraham
- J.R. Deans Company, Inc.
- James E. Craig (USS)
- John Q. Roberts (USS)
- Jordan (USS)
- Joseph C. Hubbard (USS)
- Kephart (USS)
- Kinzer (USS)
- Lane & McDonald
- Liddle (USS)
- Lloyd (USS)
- Manning (USS)
- Marine & River Phosphate Mining & Manufacturing Company
- Neundorf (USS)
- New Citadel Military College
- Newman (USS)
- Niles Manufacturing Company
- North Brothers, Inc.
- Otter (USS)
- Palmer Manufacturing Company
- Port Park Naval Base
- Ray K. Edwards (USS)
- Raybestos-Manhattan Plant
- Register (USS)
- Roper Hospital
- South Carolina Manufacturing Company
- Sheetmetal Workers Union-local 399
- South Carolina Electric & Gas
- Stafford Insulation Company
- Sterett
- Swanson
- Thomas A. Lynn Co., Inc.
- Thomason (USS)
- Tillman
- Todd Shipyard
- Truxton (USS)
- United Dye Works
- United States Electic Illuminating
- United States Naval Station
- Upman (USS)
- US Navy Shipyard, Base and Supply Depot
- VA Hospital
- W.R. Grace & Company
- West Virginia Pulp 7 Paper
- Westinghouse Turbines
- Westvaco
- William Bird & Company
- William M. Hobby (USS)
- William T. Powell (USS)