Choosing the right car accident lawyer for the job is a complex process, and most people wonder: “What should I look for in a car accident lawyer?”
Attorney Ken Harrell of Joye Law Firm shares his thoughts on what he believes people should consider when choosing a lawyer:
If you have been injured and you are looking for a lawyer, I would tell you to look for the same types of traits or characteristics as you would when you are looking for a doctor. And what I mean by that is that, number one, use your gut instincts. We all have these God-given gut instincts that allow us to determine if it feels right. Are you dealing with someone with whom you get a good feeling in your gut that this is a person who cares about your situation? Are they a good person? Are they an honest person, and they want to help me? Because I don’t care how good the lawyer is, if they are burned out or they do not like to deal with people, that is probably not going to be a good experience for you.
And then the second thing which I think is most important is to educate yourself on the law firm and the lawyer’s track record. What kind of experience do they have handling this type of claim? You would not want a real estate attorney handling your car accident and injury claim any more than you would want a car accident attorney handling your real estate claim. And the reason that I use the doctor analogy is that I’m always amazed at people who say, “This guy is my lawyer because he goes to my church or our kids go to school together.” But if you needed a back surgery, you sure as heck would not hire a cardiologist to do your back surgery just because your kids go to school with that doctor’s kids. You are going to find somebody that has experience and that has a great reputation for doing back surgeries. And the law is the same way. It has gotten so complex and so specialized that to think that you would just hire somebody because, “Oh, they are a lawyer, they will be fine,” it does not work that way. You want to find somebody who is experienced at handling these types of cases.
Talk to the Experienced Car Accident Lawyers at Joye Law Firm Today
If you have been in a car accident and are looking for a car accident lawyer, we understand that choosing a personal injury lawyer can be difficult. At Joye Law Firm, our lawyers are passionate about the law and about the clients we serve.
We would welcome the opportunity to sit down with you during a free case consultation to provide you with more information about why our law firm is the right choice to handle your car accident claim and how we can help you throughout the process.
To schedule your free case consultation today, contact us by calling us directly or using our online form.