Every six seconds there is a car accident somewhere in the United States. That adds up to more than five million crashes a year. Closer to home, car wrecks in South Carolina kill on average between two and three of our friends, neighbors, and loved ones every single day.
Over the past decade, South Carolina has seen on average more than 800 deaths in car accidents every year and thousands of more injuries.
Statistics show that South Carolina’s roads are more dangerous than those in many states. In fact, the state’s death rate per 100 million miles traveled is 1.57, which is considerably more than the national average of 1.09 and the best state’s tally of 0.57.
Given these facts, it is no wonder that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls auto safety a “serious public health problem.”
6 Ways We Can Help if You’ve Been in a Car Crash
- We Understand What You Are Going Through.
Sometimes all you need is someone to listen to you. You need somebody who cares. Our South Carolina car accident attorneys have nearly 250 years of combined legal experience. We know that injury claims are about more than money; they are about people. Respect, compassion, and care are what you can expect from our lawyers and staff. - We Have Handled All Types Of Accidents.
There is no such thing as a “typical” car crash. Each one is different. Rear-end collisions. Rollovers. Reckless driving accidents. Interstate pile-ups. Unexpected medical emergency accident. Wrecks caused by distracted drivers and drunk drivers. Head-on crashes. Tire blowouts. Multi-vehicle collisions. Intersection mishaps. Single-vehicle crashes. Wrecks resulting from car defects. No matter how your accident happened, we know how to take care of you. - We Can Take The Weight Off Your Shoulders.
We can help make sure you get the medical care you need. We can refer you to doctors, specialists and therapists. We will work to cut through the insurance red tape and see that your medical bills are paid. We can help get your car fixed and line up a rental vehicle. We will tend to a thousand little details so that you can concentrate on getting better. - We Understand Insurance Law.
Dealing with insurance companies is no fun. You might have heard the phrase “deny, delay, and defend.” That is the approach many companies take when someone files a claim. You need someone who knows the law and can advocate your rights and interests. - We Get Results.
For example, we obtained a $5.9 million settlement for a client who suffered a brain injury in a car accident and a $1.15 million settlement for the family of a man killed in a wreck. We went to court and won a $500,000 verdict for a man who suffered a back injury. Please remember that every case is unique. Past results do not guarantee a similar outcome in your case, even if the facts seem almost identical. However, past results do highlight a firm’s experience in serious injury and wrongful death cases. For more details about the results obtained for previous Joye Law Firm clients, please click on the Our Results tab on our home page. - We’ll Evaluate Your Claim At No Cost To You.
There is no charge to talk with us about your case and no obligation to choose us as your lawyers after we’ve talked.
The state’s death rate per 100 million miles traveled is 1.57, which is considerably more than the national average of 1.09 and the best state’s tally of 0.57.
Given these facts, it is no wonder that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls auto safety a “serious public health problem.”