Which is Right For You?—Key Differences Between Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income

It’s easy to be confused by Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) because both governmental programs provide benefits to qualifying individuals. They have names that sound similar. But there are important differences between these federal services….

Senior Tsunami: Top Kinds of Crashes Involving Older Drivers

Older drivers are considered among the most cautious drivers on the road. But as the number of aging drivers increases, so do the numbers of their injuries and fatalities. With the first wave of the baby boom generation reaching retirement…

Seven Mesothelioma Myths

Each year, approximately 3,000 patients are diagnosed with mesothelioma. As a rare form of cancer, there is a lot of confusion about the way the disease develops and the treatment options available. To help you understand the facts about mesothelioma and its…

More Pedestrian, Bicyclist Deaths Attributed to Distracted Driving

According to a recent study, distracted drivers were to blame for an increasing share of pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities from 2005 to 2010, even as overall traffic fatalities went down. Researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center used data from…

Latest Driving Distraction: Selfies Cause Car Accidents

If phone conversations, Internet use and texting while driving aren’t dangerous enough, taking photographs with phone cameras has become the latest hazard, CNN reported recently. Many young drivers reportedly are taking “selfies,” short for self-portraits, behind the wheel. In fact, the photo-sharing site Instagram…

Parents Can Help Kids with Food Allergies Stay Safe at School

According to Food Allergy Research & Education, one in 13 kids under age 18 experiences severe sensitivity to specific types of food. These children can face potentially lethal injuries just by ingesting ingredients that cause an allergic reaction. Parents have the ability…

Can People with Food Allergies Claim Disability?

Ingesting certain foods can be risky for people with severe food allergies. Foods such as eggs, nuts or shellfish can send them to the hospital within minutes of exposure. Researchers believe up to 15 million Americans live with serious food…

What Do ‘Adult Function Reports’ Mean to Your Disability Claim?

At each stage of the Social Security disability process – initial, reconsideration, and hearing level – the Social Security Administration requires applicants to complete a Function Report that asks you to describe your daily activities, or “ADLs.” It is important…