What Natural Disasters Should I Be Prepared for While Living in Myrtle Beach?

Everyone in South Carolina remembers the tragic events of last October, when a major storm system caused historic flooding throughout the southeastern United States. The state of South Carolina was particularly hard hit. In all, the storm caused 19 deaths…

The At-Fault Party Will Not Take Responsibility for My Injuries Because It Has Been More Than Two Years; Can I Still File a Personal Injury Claim?

In South Carolina, someone who was injured due to the negligence of another person can bring a claim against the individual or entity who was responsible. If the lawsuit is successful, the injured party may be able to obtain compensation…

I Recently Bought My Car From a Dealership and It Has Defective/Faulty Brakes, and I Was Injured. What Are My Next Steps?

Buying a new car is a major investment. With the variety of automobiles on the market, buyers have the option of choosing the kind of vehicle that best fits their lifestyle. You may be looking for something sporty, with a…

Local Events in the Upstate and Clinton, SC August 2016

At the Joye Law Firm, we are proud of what we do and we are honored to be a part of our community. We established Joye in the Community to give back to our neighbors, support local education, help local charities, and…

Local Events in Columbia, SC August 2016

At the Joye Law Firm, we are proud of what we do and we are honored to be a part of our community. We established Joye in the Community to give back to our neighbors, support local education, help local charities, and…