How to Get a Car Accident Report in South Carolina

If you have been injured in a car accident in South Carolina, the basis of any insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit you file will be the police report from the accident. You need to obtain a copy of the police report from…

What Do I Do About Medical Bills from My Car Accident?

Originally posted March 3, 2016 For people who sustain injuries in car accidents, huge medical bills are often a dreaded reality. Below, Attorney Ken Harrell of Joye Law Firm provides some insight regarding what he believes car accident victims can do about…

The Hidden Injury: Impact of Undetected Traumatic Brain Injuries

Originally published October 19, 2015. Updated November 21, 2023. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can occur anytime there is a bump or blow to the head. Known as the silent epidemic, TBI is one of the least understood causes of…

No ‘One-Bite Rule’ for Dogs in South Carolina

Originally published 6.30.14 Dog bites are scary and dangerous — especially for young children, who are more at risk for dog bites than any other age group. The injuries are often costly in terms of medical bills, pain, and emotional…