Employee Injury Rates and How Wellness Programs Help Reduce Them

According to insurance data, American employers pay an estimated $1 billion every week in workers’ compensation benefits for disabling, non-fatal injuries. Employers, and insurance companies providing workers’ compensation insurance, don’t like paying out on claims for injured employees, and employees…

What Happens During the Discovery Stage of a Personal Injury Trial?

Objection! Overruled! Everyone is familiar with the high-drama court proceedings depicted in movies and on TV. They may leave you wondering, “What happens in a real-life personal injury trial?” While far less theatrical, real life court cases can be filled…

Drivers Let Their Focus Wander as They Get Used to Partial Automation

As drivers get used to automation features such as adaptive cruise control and lane-centering technology, they become more likely to let their focus slip or take their hands off the wheel, according to a new study. Researchers from the Insurance Institute…

When Medicaid Pays Your Bills After an Accident, What Happens?

While a serious accident is over within seconds, the serious injuries you suffer in that moment will last much longer your injuries will need treatment, often for a long time afterward, and possibly, for the rest of your life. Car…

Making Left Turns Safer for Pedestrians

Any collision involving a pedestrian and a motor vehicle can quickly turn tragic for the pedestrian. Left-turn accidents are among the most dangerous types of accidents for pedestrians. Drivers making a left turn may not notice a pedestrian in a…

The Difference Between a Tort and a Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you’ve been injured by a negligent person, defective product, dangerous drug, or unsafe property conditions, you are probably seeing firsthand how complicated personal injury law can be. While the person or company responsible for the harm you suffered may…

Workers’ Comp Mistake: Not Following Work Restrictions

Injured workers navigating the South Carolina workers’ compensation system may find themselves ready to return to work under physical restrictions determined by their workers’ comp doctor.  If you’re in this situation, you must follow these restrictions until you have recovered enough to…

South Carolina Lane-Splitting: Is It Legal?

Our South Carolina motorcycle accident lawyers often hear from bikers injured in all kinds of accidents. Sometimes the motorcycle accidents occurred while they were riding between lines of traffic – a practice known as lane splitting – leaving them to…