Five Tips for Anyone Involved in a Multiple Vehicle Crash

When a car accident involves more than one vehicle and more than one driver, there is a potential for conflict when it comes time to sort out who was at fault. If you are involved in a multi-vehicle collision, you…

What to Do if the Driver Who Hit You Is a Teenager

A car accident can leave you injured, lead to extensive medical bills, and require a lengthy recovery period. If your accident involves a teenage driver, you may face complex issues regarding liability and compensation. If the teenage driver is a…

Defensive Driving: How It Can Help You

Defensive drivers try to anticipate dangerous traffic situations and react promptly to reduce the chances of an accident. Many of us learned about defensive driving techniques in high school driver’s education courses. Whether or not you took a driver’s ed…

Why Am I Being Watched After Making a Car Accident Claim?

If you file a car accident claim and then feel like you are being watched, your instincts may be right. While more common in workers’ compensation cases, some insurance companies do sometimes hire private investigators to take photos or surveil…

Accident Victims Often Suffer Post-Traumatic Stress

In recognition of National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Month, it is essential to recognize that combat veterans aren’t the only people in our country to experience the disorder. Accident victims often suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after traumatic events, like motor…

Siri and Driver Safety

The next time you get ready to drive somewhere, the best command to give Siri before turning on the ignition might be: “Siri, turn off this phone and don’t disturb me while I’m driving.” The growing awareness that electronic distractions…

What Is GAP Insurance and How Can It Benefit You?

If you have purchased a new car or truck or leased a vehicle, you should consider obtaining GAP insurance on that vehicle. If your vehicle is totaled in an accident, GAP insurance covers the difference between what the vehicle is…

Sharing Car Accident Lawsuit With Same Lawyer After a Car Crash

Car accidents usually involve multiple vehicles, drivers, and passengers. It may seem reasonable for multiple people to use one lawyer if they were all in the same vehicle. However, having one lawyer represent both the driver and the passenger may…