Accident Victims Often Suffer Post-Traumatic Stress

In recognition of National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Month, it is essential to recognize that combat veterans aren’t the only people in our country to experience the disorder. Accident victims often suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after traumatic events, like motor…

Siri and Driver Safety

The next time you get ready to drive somewhere, the best command to give Siri before turning on the ignition might be: “Siri, turn off this phone and don’t disturb me while I’m driving.” The growing awareness that electronic distractions…

What Is GAP Insurance and How Can It Benefit You?

If you have purchased a new car or truck or leased a vehicle, you should consider obtaining GAP insurance on that vehicle. If your vehicle is totaled in an accident, GAP insurance covers the difference between what the vehicle is…

Sharing Car Accident Lawsuit With Same Lawyer After a Car Crash

Car accidents usually involve multiple vehicles, drivers, and passengers. It may seem reasonable for multiple people to use one lawyer if they were all in the same vehicle. However, having one lawyer represent both the driver and the passenger may…

What To Do After Being in an Out-Of-State Accident

With our top-rated attractions, pristine beaches and waterways, and tons of family-friendly activities, it’s no wonder that tourism is a leading industry in South Carolina. People from across the country – and even the world – travel to South Carolina…

Not Wearing A Seatbelt?

Statistics show that wearing a seat belt is the best way to protect yourself from injuries in a crash. That’s why South Carolina requires drivers and passengers to wear seat belts and younger children to ride in car seats. Since…

Should You Move Your Car After an Accident?

In the stress and confusion after a car accident, you may wonder whether you should move the wrecked vehicles off of the road. Some will argue that it is best to clear the roadway. Others will maintain that police need…