Car Accident Terms you Should Know

If you are injured in a car accident, you could find yourself facing steep expenses like high medical bills, months of lost wages and missed career opportunities, and numerous “pain and suffering” expenses like the need for transportation help, medical supplies,…

What to Do As a Bystander of an Accident

At the Joye Law Firm, we know that being involved in a car accident in Columbia, Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Summerville, or Clinton, SC can be a harrowing experience. For victims of serious car crashes, the aftermath of a collision can be extremely…

Someone Borrows Your Car and Gets in an Accident

Letting a friend or family member borrow your vehicle is a common practice. In many households, family members share a single car registered and insured by one household member. While lending your vehicle might seem harmless and convenient, you may…

How to Handle a Hit and Run Accident

While being involved in a car accident of any type can be very scary, and have huge implications for your physical wellbeing and health, in the majority of cases, comfort can be taken in the fact that if you are…

What to Ask Your Insurance Company After a Car Accident

If you’ve recently been injured in a car accident in South Carolina it is important to be aware that your best interests may not align with your insurance company’s objectives. For example, if the driver who caused your car crash (i.e. the at-fault…

Car Safety for Children

While cars are an important tool for transporting our children and getting them to and fro, cars have the potential to be dangerous. And when an accident involving a car and a child occurs, the results are often tragic, leaving…