Charleston: What to Do If You are Facing Eminent Domain

South Carolina Eminent Domain Lawyers Defending Residents of Charleston If you live in the Charleston, SC area, it is possible that you have heard the term eminent domain in relatively recent news reports or have read about it in local…

Charleston: Defective Bike from Bike Rental – Who Is Liable?

Bike accidents occur far too frequently. Nationally, there were 743 cyclists killed in accidents involving motor vehicles in a single year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Locally in South Carolina, there were 14 cyclists fatalities caused by motor…

How Blind Spot Monitors Can Help You Avoid a Crash

When you consider the automotive technology available today and in the near future and compare it to the technology available just a few years ago, you can’t help but be amazed. Even something as basic as seatbelts were not standard…

What Do I Do About Medical Bills from My Car Accident?

Originally posted March 3, 2016 For people who sustain injuries in car accidents, huge medical bills are often a dreaded reality. Below, Attorney Ken Harrell of Joye Law Firm provides some insight regarding what he believes car accident victims can do about…

What Should I Do After Being Involved in a Car Accident?

It is important that you act quickly – and intelligently – to help protect your rights after being in a car accident. Attorney Ken Harrell of Joye Law Firm shares what he believes a person should do after being involved in…

What Should I Look for in a Car Accident Lawyer?

Choosing the right car accident lawyer for the job is a complex process, and most people wonder: “What should I look for in a car accident lawyer?” Attorney Ken Harrell of Joye Law Firm shares his thoughts on what he believes people…

Social Media Dos and Don’ts After a Car Accident

When you are involved in a car accident, it is natural to want to share the news with your friends and family. As you recover from the car accident, start to file your claim, and are offered a settlement amount, you…