Handling Travel Insurance Claims for a Car Accident While on Vacation

When preparing for a vacation, people rarely plan for an accident to occur when their goal is to have a fun and relaxing experience. Unfortunately, car accidents can happen when you are on vacation. Having travel insurance can help cover…

What is Considered a “Soft Tissue” Injury?

After an accident, it is common for victims to suffer multiple types of injuries. While some injuries are plainly visible, such as bone fractures or open wounds, others, such as soft tissue injuries, are harder to detect. While they may…

Is Eating While Driving Dangerous?

You may already know that texting behind the wheel is both dangerous and illegal. But did you know that eating while driving can be just as dangerous? Eating a snack while driving involves taking your hands off the steering wheel and…

What Is Automatic Emergency Braking? 

Automatic Emergency Braking Systems (AEB) are active safety features that use cameras or radar to measure the distance between a vehicle and objects in the road ahead. If the distance between the AEB equipped vehicle and another vehicle or object…

Berkeley County, S.C. Population Growth Leading to More Fatal Crashes

South Carolina ranked as the third fastest-growing state for population in 2022, with a 1.7% population increase over just two years. The population of Palmetto State has risen to over 5.28 million permanent residents with Berkeley County, in particular, driving…

What Happens if Your Lyft Gets in an Accident in South Carolina?

The popularity of Lyft and other rideshare companies has grown rapidly since their inception. Lyft operates in 300 cities including six cities in South Carolina. Lyft is reported to have 30% of the ridesharing market in the U.S., second only to…

Can Passengers Ever Be at Fault for Car Crashes?

While the primary responsibility for safe driving lies with the driver, passengers can contribute to accidents in various ways. This can include distracting the driver, interfering with the vehicle’s operation, or even causing the crash through deliberate actions. Passengers are…

What Is Subrogation in Insurance?

After a car accident caused by another motorist, your health insurance may pay your medical bills or other costs related to the accident. Afterward, you may receive a notice that your insurer will pursue subrogation against the other driver’s insurance…