Research Reveals Causes of Fatal Distracted Driving Accidents

Distracted driving played a role in approximately 10 percent of more than 65,000 fatal car accidents in the United States in 2010 and 2011, according to an analysis of federal crash data by Erie Insurance. The Fatality Analysis Reporting System, a…

Hands-Free Devices Not So Safe

Voice-activated devices that let drivers talk and text without taking their hands off the wheel may not be as distraction-free as many had hoped. A new study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reveals that hands-free technology may pose a…

Distracted Walking Linked to Injuries

Using your cell phone while walking may make you vulnerable to injuries, according to a new study. About 1,500 pedestrians were treated in emergency rooms across the nation in 2010 because of this growing distraction, according to a HealthDay report…

Anti-Texting-While-Driving Campaign Makes a Difference with Teenagers

Texting while driving kills more teenagers than drunk driving, researchers estimate. A recent report from Cohen Children’s Medical Center concludes that more than 3,000 teens die each year as a result of texting while driving; an estimated 2,700 teens die in alcohol-related crashes. A…

Virginia Tech Study Reveals Dangers of Distracted Driving

A new driving study shows that distracted driving remains a danger on the roads of South Carolina and across the nation. The report, by researchers at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, discusses the impact of cell phone use on driving safety. It…

Research Speaks Volumes About Dangers of Voice-Activated Texting

By now, we’ve all heard of the dangers of texting while driving. Most states have adopted laws to curb it. But there’s another warning you probably haven’t heard: talking into a mobile device that translates words into a text message is…

SC Legislative Action on Texting While Driving Ban Stalls

Although a majority of South Carolina’s legislators have shown support for a statewide ban on texting while driving as a public safety issue, a Senate panel has decided that it will postpone acting on a proposed ban until at least…