What to Do After a Burn Injury

According to the National Fire Protection Association, someone in the U.S. is burned seriously enough to require treatment roughly every 60 seconds. Burn injuries are one of the leading causes of accidental injury and death in the U.S., especially among…

Personal Injury Case: How is a Jury Chosen For One?

While we strive to settle most personal injury claims outside of court to ensure our clients get the compensation they need sooner, this isn’t always possible. When insurance companies simply refuse to cooperate, that’s when we go to trial. The…

The Difference Between a Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury Claim in South Carolina

Annually in South Carolina, dozens of workers are injured on the job. Despite the fact that many of these accidents involve blue-collar workers such as construction workers, other professions like healthcare workers, manufacturing employees, and even office workers are also at…

When Medicaid Pays Your Bills After an Accident, What Happens?

While a serious accident is over within seconds, the serious injuries you suffer in that moment will last much longer your injuries will need treatment, often for a long time afterward, and possibly, for the rest of your life. Car…

Making Left Turns Safer for Pedestrians

Any collision involving a pedestrian and a motor vehicle can quickly turn tragic for the pedestrian. Left-turn accidents are among the most dangerous types of accidents for pedestrians. Drivers making a left turn may not notice a pedestrian in a…

The Difference Between a Tort and a Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you’ve been injured by a negligent person, defective product, dangerous drug, or unsafe property conditions, you are probably seeing firsthand how complicated personal injury law can be. While the person or company responsible for the harm you suffered may…

Tips About What Not to Wear to Your Court Appearance

Many personal injury claims can be negotiated out of court for a proper settlement when you have an attorney on your side. The insurance company might not want to drag things out any more than you do, and hiring a…