Can You Use Social Security Disability and Workers’ Compensation Together?

If you’ve suffered a work-related injury or illness, you may be wondering whether to file for workers’ compensation, disability insurance, or both. Workers’ compensation provides benefits for medical expenses and partial wage replacement, while Social Security Disability (SSD) provides income…

Can You Work and Get Disability Benefits?

While Social Security disability programs pay benefits to people who are unable to perform their jobs because of a serious physical or mental impairment, the Social Security Administration considers it a priority to support the efforts of disabled individuals who want…

Moving Forward: Adapting to Life With a Disability

  You face many challenges when you have a disability. You may have to alter how you go about your daily life and deal with limitations that you’ve never experienced before. However, you can overcome obstacles by making adjustments and…

Which is Right For You?—Key Differences Between Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income

It’s easy to be confused by Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) because both governmental programs provide benefits to qualifying individuals. They have names that sound similar. But there are important differences between these federal services….

Can People with Food Allergies Claim Disability?

Ingesting certain foods can be risky for people with severe food allergies. Foods such as eggs, nuts or shellfish can send them to the hospital within minutes of exposure. Researchers believe up to 15 million Americans live with serious food…

What Do ‘Adult Function Reports’ Mean to Your Disability Claim?

At each stage of the Social Security disability process – initial, reconsideration, and hearing level – the Social Security Administration requires applicants to complete a Function Report that asks you to describe your daily activities, or “ADLs.” It is important…