What Is the Exclusive Remedy Doctrine?

If you’re in the process of filing a workers’ compensation claim, you may have come across the term “exclusive remedy doctrine” and wondered, “What is the exclusive remedy doctrine, and how does it affect my case?” This principle is central…

What to Expect at a Workers’ Comp Hearing in South Carolina?

News flash – insurance companies love saying “no” to paying benefits. Many of our workers’ compensation clients reached out to us after getting a denial letter from their employer’s workers’ comp carrier. If this happens to you, don’t just accept…

Do I Have to Use PTO Before Getting Workers’ Comp?

If you’ve been injured on the job and qualify for workers’ compensation, your employer cannot force you to use your paid time off (PTO). However, they may permit — or even encourage — the use of PTO while you’re receiving…

Can You Use Social Security Disability and Workers’ Compensation Together?

If you’ve suffered a work-related injury or illness, you may be wondering whether to file for workers’ compensation, disability insurance, or both. Workers’ compensation provides benefits for medical expenses and lost wages, while Social Security Disability (SSD) provides income replacement…

What Does MMI Mean in a Workers’ Comp Claim?

When you suffer an injury at work in South Carolina, you may file a workers’ compensation claim for benefits. This pays for lost wages and medical costs, but the amount of time you receive coverage is based on the severity…

What to Do If Your Employer Refuses to File a South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Claim

South Carolina law requires employers to file workers’ compensation claims when one of their employees is injured. Ideally, this process is straightforward. However, in practice, only some cases progress smoothly. Because the insurance company’s primary goal is to pay as…