Myrtle Beach and Charleston Workplace Injury Lawyers Deliver Effective Legal Representation to Injured South Carolina Workers

Your weekday routine is familiar and simple: if you are like most South Carolina residents, you wake up, take care of your personal hygiene, go to work, and then come home at the end of the workday so you can relax and rest. Being injured while on the job is not something any laborer or employee plans for, even if his or her job is “dangerous” or is known for having an above-average accident rate. As is true in any South Carolina personal injury, the steps you take immediately following a workplace accident can have a significant impact (positive or negative) on your ability to obtain workers’ compensation benefits and (if necessary) pursue a claim for damages against a third party.

Steps to Take Following a South Carolina Workplace Accident

By reviewing the steps you need to take following a workplace accident before an injury or illness at work occurs, you will be better prepared to take decisive action to protect yourself and your legal rights if and when such an incident occurs. As soon as possible after a workplace accident, you should:

  • Determine the severity of your injuries. You must first assess the severity of your injuries and determine if any of them are life-threatening or must be treated quickly. Any amputation injuries, injuries with profuse bleeding, or head injuries (for example) should be evaluated and treated as soon as possible. In the event you suffer a severe injury such as one of these, summon medical assistance right away (or have a coworker or someone else take you to the emergency room as soon as possible). If you are in doubt as to whether your injury warrants emergency medical attention, err on the side of caution and seek medical treatment right away.
  • Notify your employer or supervisor as soon as possible. If your injury is not life-threatening or severe, notify your employer or supervisor as soon as possible of the injury. You may then seek treatment for your injuries and have such treatment paid for by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurer. (If you suffered a life-threatening injury, you should notify your employer as soon as you can after you have received medical treatment. In any event, you must notify your employer of your workplace injury within 90 days following your injury. Although you may report your injury orally to your employer, a better practice is to deliver written notification and keep proof that your notification was received by your employer within the 90-day limit.
  • Complete the forms required by your employer, or file a claim with the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission.Your employer should provide you with the forms you need to file your claim with its workers’ compensation insurer. You must complete these forms and return them as promptly as possible in order to continue with the workers’ compensation process. If your employer does not provide you with the appropriate forms, or if your employer attempts to interfere with the claims process, you can also contact the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission for assistance. The Commission can provide you with the necessary forms (and your South Carolina workers compensation attorney can assist you in completing the forms in a timely manner).
  • Follow Your Doctor’s Recommendations. Treatment will be provided to you at no cost by a doctor chosen by your employer and/or the employer’s workers’ compensation insurer. You may be able to petition the insurer and obtain the insurer’s permission to seek treatment from a doctor of your own choosing. Assuming that your workers’ compensation claim is approved, all of your treatment expenses will be provided to you at no cost. However, your ability to continue receiving benefits (and returning to work) will depend in large part on your compliance with your doctor’s orders. Be certain to take all medication as prescribed, adhere to the activity limitations imposed by your doctor, and keep all follow-up appointments.

Professional and Experienced Assistance from a Clinton Workers’ Compensation Law Firm

If you experience any delays or obstacles in the claims process, or if you simply want counsel to guide you through the process, contact the South Carolina workers’ compensation lawyers at Joye Law Firm. Our experienced team has decades of experience in helping Clinton, Charleston, Columbia, and other South Carolina claimants navigate the workers’ compensation scheme, and we are committed to helping you receive the benefits you need and to which you are entitled under South Carolina’s workers’ compensation law. Call one of our offices today or contact our firm online to enlist the help of Joye Law Firm.

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About the Author

Ken Harrell joined Joye Law Firm in 1994, and has been the managing partner since 2006. With 30 years of experience, he protects the rights of injured South Carolinians, including cases involving workers’ compensation, car accidents, and defective products. Ken also leads the firm’s referral practice, helping to ensure that our clients receive the best possible representation. He is a past president of South Carolina Injured Workers’ Advocates, and has served as the co-chairman of this organization’s legislative affairs committee for 12 years.

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