The Joye Law Firm team has shifted the scales of justice – literally! Our team embarked on a nine-week Wellness Challenge with the goals of increasing our step counts, losing weight and staying healthy.
The program, the first of its kind at Joye Law Firm, ran from January through the beginning of March. Over 70% of the firm has participated in the challenge. At the mid-way point, the team had already walked enough miles to reach San Francisco. By the end, the firm lost a total of 292 pounds and walked enough to reach the Great Pyramid of Giza! At the beginning of the contest, participating team members were each outfitted with their very own FitBit Inspire II, which are theirs to keep, to help track their weekly progress. Points were allotted based on weekly weigh-ins and step totals.
Weekly Step Goals
Sam and Marcy of the Charleston office spent time outside walking their dogs together.
- 35,000 steps per week = 5 points
- 70,000 steps per week = 10 points
- 105,000+ steps per week = 20 points
- For each % of weight loss = 20 points
- For each % of weight loss = 20 points

Our team not only got healthier by participating, but several also ended up richer, too! That’s because the winning team, the “Scales of Justice,” each pocketed $100. Our overall winner, Paul from the Charleston office, took home the grand prize of $500. The competitive nature of our team, coupled with attractive cash prizes meant the competition was fierce!
To help further inspire our team, the firm welcomed Atty. Lindsay Joyner, the Chair of the SC Bar’s Wellness Committee and Partner in the Gallivan, White & Boyd law firm, to speak at our virtual Lunch & Learn seminar in January to kick off the wellness challenge. Atty. Joyner shared wellness tips and advice geared specifically to those in the legal field. She said she “was honored to be a part of such an inspiring and fun challenge, and hope that firms of all sizes appreciate and use the Joye Law Firm’s challenge model as a way to bring coworkers together in a healthy way, especially while so many lawyers and staff are still working from home or are unable to have their ‘normal’ social interactions.”
We’re excited about the success of the inaugural wellness program, and we can’t wait to embark on a new fitness challenge soon. We’d like to thank all of our participating team members, and we’d also like to give a special shout-out to our Intake Department, who came up with the idea. We’re lucky to have such a great team, and are glad to offer this Wellness Challenge!